Data management plan

10 tips for creating a DMP template by LCRDM (NL)

Data management plan

Tool for researchers in writing appropriate Data Management Plans for themselves and for funders by DMP online

Data management plan

Ten tips for Writing a DMP by LCRDM

Data management plan

A tool for Data Management Planning that generates actionable DMPs

DMP review

Guidance to review the data management plans by NIST (US)

DMP review

Guide for writing and reviewing the data management by Science Europe

DMP review

Review and/or assess the data management plans written by your researchers by Purdue University Libraries (US)

DMP review

Review and/or assess the data management plans by NWO (NL)

Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs

The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs, report from Knowledge Exchange FAIR? Data management planning? data stewards;researchers/research software engineers All emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation

RDNL Data life cycle

Examples of the life of research data by RDNL

Research funder

RDM requirements of a provider of funding for research (NWO, NL)

Research funders

Requirements for data management plans and trustworthy repositories by Science Europe